Q. Can you tell me about the international student relief fund?
The international student relief fund began in July 2020, offering aid for international students who were affected by the global pandemic. Students of different nationalities came on board, and through crowd-sourced donations, we were able to offer help in areas such as food, phone bills and travel expenses. This program also included regular online yoga classes, which were available free of charge for students to attend.
Q. Where does DBF operate?
The members of DBF all currently reside in Sydney, Australia.
Q. Who are the people in DBF?
Our members were all friends before we created the Foundation. Our members currently are Kiavanni, Dhammawanti, Goldy, Patrick,Tim, Chaitanyashree and Chun.
Q. What do you do as a foundation?
The Foundation was created with the aim to help our friends and family and our communities and to spread this message of peace and harmony to the entire world
Donations & volunteer
Q. Where does my money go if I donate?
Our Foundation is completely non-for-profit. Thus 100% of the donations goes for the Campaign/Projects that you've donated e.g If for example you donate to the student relief fund, then 100% of your donation will go towards helping students by ways of food, bills and other expenses.
Q. How can I play a role in your programs?
You can Get involved to our programs in different ways like Volunteer, Donor and Participant.
Q. How can I help?
There are many ways that you can help! There is a list of available positions in our volunteers tab. You can head over to our volunteer tab
Q. If I live in another country, can I still participate?
If there is a will, there is a way! Email us and we would love to speak with you about ways how we can collaborate. Our Email Address is
Q. Where does DBF get their funding?
DBF receives funding purely from community donation from the Service we offer via Events, Programs and Campaigns.

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